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Spotlight: Vanessa Gerner

Please introduce yourself!My name is Vanessa Gerner, I'm 24, I'm from Schweinfurt, Germany, I'm a self-employed media designer ( and the second head of...

Where is she now? w/ Vanessa Brazeau

Please introduce yourself!I’m from Niagara Falls, Ontario, 25 years old, currently living in Berlin. I started riding at 16 and during my high school...

New Peta Edit

Peta Shepherd from Tristan Montagu on Vimeo.Peta and Tristan Montagu filmed this over 3 weeks and the results are spectacular! I can't wait...

Spotlight: Ashley Bird

Please introduce yourself!My name is Ashley Bird, I'm 25 years old. I live in Aberdeen, which is in the north east of Scotland. I...

Spotlight: Катя Круглова (Katya Kruglova)

Please introduce yourself!Привет, я Катя, мне 17 лет и я из России. На велосипеде катаюсь лет с 5, а на bmx 3 года. Далеко...

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