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Peta at Core Series

"On this past weekend, the last two comps of the core series were held. I went in both and the am boys class and...

What Did You Do This Summer?

This summer was by far the most eventful one yet.  Some of the things I got to do were, 3 years ago, only existent...

Introducing, Nikita’s Corner!

Not a lot of girls or even riders, are as hooked up as Nikita is at her age. I have a lot of respect...

Spotlight: Alex Gren

As many of you know, Alex Gren won the Magnolia BMX pick for the Yeah Zine video contest. I absolutely love this edit, and...

Flatland Forward – 2014 Video Contest

Here is a first of its kind! Please tag/tell every girl flatland rider you know. Entry is FREE, Registration opens OCT. 1st 2013 on...

So You’re Sponsored Now?

I'm assuming you've all read my article on how to get sponsored and either got sponsored from it or gave up entirely. In case...

Purchasing A Flatland Specific BMX Vlog

Trying to pick out a BMX to start riding flatland can be overwhelming and confusing because there are so many different parts and companies....

Calamity Jam Festival

CALAMITY JAM FESTIVAL@Skatepark De Grenoble SkateparkNovember 9th & 10th, 2013 At the Grenoble SkateparkAs the emblematic "Calamity Jane" was famous for herstrength of character...

Miyuki Dezaki at VanCity Jam 2013

Check out this update from our flatland rider Miyuki Dezaki: On September 14th, VanCity Jam was held here in Vancouver again. There were about 20...

2014 Flatland Calendar Photo Shoot Update 9/13

Here's a tiny preview on what we were working on last night for the 2014 flatland calendar. We came across some issues with our...

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