Ride UK interview with Kayley Ashworth
Photo from Ride UKMs. Ashworth has been blowing up the news front lately, check out this interview Ride UK did with her, on the topic of a girl named Punky, naked girls on bikes and of course her new sponsor Diamondback UK. Click Here
Wishing Nikita A Speedy Recovery!
Had to trade the whip in for these for a bit, but we're already dialed in, and still repping! Shoutout to Alienation Inc., ZORG BIKE CO, G-Form and Novik Gloves for always keeping me rolling!
Kayley Ashworth Joins Diamondback BMX Europe
Press Release: KAYLEY ASHWORTH joins DiamondbackWe’re super stoked to announce that, Kayley Ashworth, one of the raddest women in BMX has joined our family!In a BMX world dominated by guys we’re proud to have Kayley on our team for 2014.As well as being Kayley’s bike sponsor, Diamondback are also be supplying a number of bikes for Kayley’s girl’s bmx...
Nikita’s Double Barspin Clip!
Not sure if this may be the case, but could this be the first double bar spin by a girl? Even if it isn't, we're still so proud of Nikita and her continuous effort to push herself.
Joey Gough 2013 Edit
Check out this awesome 2013 edit staring Joey Gough featuring race and trail riding. A short video documenting Joey's 30th consecutive year of having fun on a BMX bike. We also did a brief interview with her, which you can read here http://www.magnoliabmx.org/2013/11/spotlight-joey-gough.html Joey Gough 2013 Edit from joeybmx on Vimeo.
Spotlight: Joey Gough
I started riding when I was about 3. My older brother had got into racing BMX at the local track but I still had stabilizers (training wheels) on my bike. Dad told me I could have on go on the BMX track when I could ride without stabilizers.... a week later, they were off! Nearly 30 years on and...