Spotlight: Ashley Bird
Please introduce yourself!My name is Ashley Bird, I'm 25 years old. I live in Aberdeen, which is in the north east of Scotland. I...
Spotlight: Катя Круглова (Katya Kruglova)
Please introduce yourself!Привет, я Катя, мне 17 лет и я из России. На велосипеде катаюсь лет с 5, а на bmx 3 года. Далеко...
Spotlight: Flavia Santos
Photos by Lucas PupioI won't be able to check out the BMX Worlds in person this year, but like my real life job, I...
Spotlight: Mini Park
Our next interviewee won't be heading to Simple Session but she's a veteran when it comes to competitions. Her past credentials include 2 Toronto...
Spotlight: Rebecca Berg
8 more days until Simple Session in Estonia! I hope these interviews encourage an even bigger turn out next year for the ladies! Our...
Spotlight: Zandile Popandile
Oh boo, we're nearing the end of our Simple Session interviews! I hope you guys have been enjoying these so far! Our next rider...
Spotlight: Camila Harambour
Photos by Andres Harambour.I'm very excited about our next Sister Session / Simple Session interviewee, from what Peta tells me, she's very cool chick...