What advice do you have for riders who want sponsors?
Just have fun guys! The first thing that sponsors look for is your attitude! Smile, laugh and just enjoy the moment! Do not search sponsors, they will come to you!
What was your experience like at the 2014 Toronto BMX Jam.
I had a really good experience at Toronto Jam this year! It was my first time at this competition but I really had fun riding with all the girls. I was really proud of my performance and what I did after almost 4 months without riding -I broke my foot in 3 places at Joyride Halloween Jam and had a long recovery time. I didn’t think I would be able to make the contest but finally my foot had recovered just in time for the event! That was just an awesome experience to me! ☺
The turn out for girls is always a small percentage than compared to the guys at the Toronto BMX Jam, why do you think that is?
I think it’s because there aren’t a lot of girl BMX riders who are really involved in the sport. Also, all of us are so far from each other and sometimes it’s just impossible for some girls to make the travel to competitions.
Were there any tricks you wish you tried or moments you wish you took advantage of?
I wish I took more advantage of the time allowed to me because I didn’t do a lot of tricks in each of my runs. I also wish that I landed the 360 over the spine because, it was my first try since my injury (it’s the trick I did when I broke my foot). But I will land it next year for sure! ☺
If you could attend any major BMX event, what would it be and why?
I always dreamed of attending Sister Session. It’s the biggest event in BMX for girls and it would allow me to meet some girls I always wanted to ride with like Rebecca Berg or Camila Harambour.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I don’t really know… I prefer take it day by day and see where the life will bring me! ☺
What is the riding scene like in your city?
The riding scene in my city sucks haha! We have just one ‘’ridable’’ skatepark and seriously it’s really bad… it has the sketchiest box-jump you have ever seen and it’s really hard to learn things there. Local riders at this park insult riders who aren’t as good as them. We do have a really nice cement skatepark, but it’s skateboard and inline only… but it has snow between 5 and 6 months each year and no indoor skatepark. I prefer travel to ride new places then stay there!
Where would you recommend riding in your area?
I recommend to all the BMX Riders to try to go around Montreal because it has a nice indoor park called TAZ in downtown Montreal and some other cool skateparks around there. If you prefer ride street, go to the Olympic Stadium of Montreal and you will find some cool spots! They also have nice dirt jumps at L’Assomption – if you have time, you should try them! Finally, if you are open to traveling a little bit more, I would recommend you to go around Toronto where you can ride some cool outdoors skateparks, street spots and also have the opportunity to ride one of the best park in Canada: Joyride 150! It’s really a good place to learn and people there are really nice!
Who would you say is your biggest inspiration for riding?
For my biggest inspiration, I can’t really decide between Drew Bezanson and Mike Varga. I had the chance to ride with them a lot in the past 2-3 months and they helped me a lot. I like their attitude and it’s always full of funny moments when you ride with these guys! My favorite female rider is definitely Camila Harambour! She’s a really good rider and I would like to have the chance to compete with her one day or just go on a trip to ride somewhere!
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Twitter: sarahbmxdinel
Instagram: sarahbmxdinel