Spotlight: Hannah Roberts

Hannah Roberts has more tricks and skill than a lot of riders her age, and she’s not even old enough to get her car license yet. She’s the future of BMX, so I thought it would be important for us to get to know her a little better…

Tell me about how you started riding, who influenced you to even try BMX for the very first time, and what was your first trick?
I had a chance to go with my cousin a couple of times to Muncie Skatepark and with that, my cousin Brett Banasiewicz inspired me to start riding BMX. I watched him when I was younger and I wanted to be like him and ride with him. My first trick was a tuck no hander.

If you had to explain your style of riding, how would you describe it in 5 words?
Aggressive and focused, but fun

When you’re in school, what do your friends think about you being involved in BMX? Do they even understand or appreciate it like you do?
I was fortunate enough to be able to do a stunt show for my school. Before that they thought it’s just riding a bike, then after the show they thought it was interesting, but they still don’t understand how hard it is.

What’s the biggest misconception about you? How do you deal with it?
The biggest misconception is I get under estimated due to the fact I am a girl. I try not to pay attention to that and ride the best I can whenever I can.

Do you prefer riding with girls or guys? – Kiera Bonifacio
It doesn’t matter to me who I ride with. I like to ride with people that are better than me to help me progress and to have a great time.

How many hours a day do you train? – Daniela Cifuentes
Monday and Tuesday I have off, but Wednesday- Friday I ride about 5 hours each day, and Saturday and Sunday I try to push it to 8 hours each day.

How important is the support of your family in your career – Daniela Cifuentes
The support of my family is huge when it comes to BMX. My dad drives me to as many contests as he can, and my mom and my sisters take me to the skatepark because they know how important BMX is to me.

What motivates you? (to ride) – Angie Martin
Being around supportive and positive people, plus listening to music also helps me get motivated to ride my bike.

Who’s Radney, and has he had any type of influence on you and how? – Jordan Bowen
Radney is a ONE of a kind rider. He is the rider that always has the best time no matter what. Between him, Rich Hoppe, and Chris Gerber, they have influenced my riding in some way. They taught me some of my style and tricks as well as no matter what, to just to have fun. They all told me at one point “If it’s not fun, you’re doing it wrong.”

Who are your favourite girl riders? (“Because we all know she is a bunch of girls’ favorite rider. What rad chick”)– BetteBMX via Instagram
Angie Marino is one of my favorite girl riders because I have had an amazing opportunity to ride with her, and she is just an amazing spirit. Also I like Peta Sheppard. I have watched all of her videos and I can not wait for the day I get the opportunity to ride with her.

What’s in the future for Hannah Roberts? Your career, BMX and life plans for example.
In my future I want to go to college. I’m not sure where or what I want to study in yet. As for BMX, I want to take it as far as I can and I really want to go pro and see the world.

5 Quick Questions

1. Justin Bieber or One Direction? One Direction
2. Snap Chat or Instagram Snapchat (hannah_bmx)
3. Break an arm or break a leg? Hopefully neither but I would rather break a leg because I get to ride on the knee scooters and I get helped and don’t really have to do anything.
4. Burger King or McDonalds? McDonald’s
5. Wood or Concrete? I don’t have much experience with concrete so wood.

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