It’s been over four years since our last interview with Sasha Pardoe, and so much has happened for this talented British rider, including her win as The Bloom BMX Award’s Park Rider of the Year. With big things on the horizon for Sasha, it’s the perfect time to catch up.
Instagram @sashashredderbmx
Current Age 18
Hometown Stourbridge, England
Sponsors Tall Order, Demolition, FIST, Bawbags, Bache Brothers, The Lab, AHL
How did you get into BMX? My dad used to road race/time trial for GB. He always wanted me to get into some sort of sport and was sponsored by a bike shop at the time, so I went in and chose my first bike which was a yellow BMX.
What languages do you speak? Only English! haha, I’ve tried to get into learning Spanish before but I can barely speak my own language without messing up.
Your top three parks? I’d say defo The Asylum Skatepark for sure. I like riding Adrenaline Alley too, as most of the team train there, and I’d say probably either ramp 1 or unit 23.
Top three songs on your playlist? Ahhh I’ve got so many fav songs at the moment. If I had to narrow them down, the top few would be:
- Starburster Song by Fontaines D.C.
- Stronger Than Me Song by Amy Winehouse
- Man in the Box Song by Alice In Chains
- Michelle Song by Lynyrd Skynyrd
- Godzilla Song by Fu Manchu

Three people who inspire you and why? Number one would be my parents for sure. Both my mom and dad are incredibly strong and have been through a lot, but they came out the other end every time. Another would be Perris Benegas. I’ve always looked up to Perris and her style of riding. Even more so after her injury and the fact the Olympic qualifiers was her first comp back. Then went on to secure silver at the Olympics! Truly inspiring. Another would be Jamie Bestwick. I’ve always looked up to Jamie’s riding and also looked up to him as a coach and he’s one of the most knowledgeable and talented people I know.
What is a trend in BMX you want to stop seeing? That’s a tough one! I’m not sure what I want to stop seeing, I think maybe it’s just the way it’s all split up at the moment, a lot of people are either park, street, trails etc, not really multiple things at once. I think I miss the diversity BMX used to have and love to see people who have fun and do everything they love.
What do you do when you’re not riding? I love to hang around with my friends and my brother. But if I’m not at a comp, trip or the skatepark, I’m probably just at home with my family! Especially this past year as it’s been so hectic.
Favourite person to ride or train with? I love riding with the local Asylum boys, Tom Russell, Tom Justice, Ellis, Bailey and Mitch. I also love to ride with the team at Corby, Kieran, Jude and Dec always know how to get me going in the session!
Favourite shoes to ride in? I’ve ridden in half cabs for a longgg time but when I got on Etnies I started to figure out what other shoes I liked. I really love the Jordan Godwin Etnies to ride in, and the Godwin slip-ons to chill in!
Best advice given to you? My dad, Jamie and my friends all have told me to keep it fun. The minute it turns into a “job” will make you fall out of love with it. I’m more than blessed to be slowly making a career out of BMX, and if you’re doing something you enjoy you’ll never work a day in your life!
Your biggest fear? Dying alone or not doing anything with my life. lol
Your proudest accomplishment? Coming back from injuries and picking myself back up after not being selected for the Olympics.
Your worst habit? Probably would be not believing in myself or being really messy.
If you could hire someone to help you in some aspect of your life, what would it be? I’d defo have someone to remind me what to do and when! I forget stuff soo much
What is a memorable experience you had that couldn’t have happened without BMX? 100% the China/ Australia trip! That was for sure one of the best trips of my life
Your top three future goals you want to achieve? Ride in X Games, the Olympics and buy a Subaru 22b.