FISE Montpellier 24 – Women’s BMX Street Results

FISE Montpellier hosted its first Women’s BMX Street competition in 2024. A great beginning for more great things to come, here are the results from the FISE Montpellier Women’s BMX Street comp. Video might be partially blocked in some countries because of the music!


  1. AnahĂ­ Valentina ESP
  2. Bethany Hedrick USA
  3. Aubrée Henson GBR
  4. Gina Petrella ESP
  5. Linda Grabner AUT
  6. Francina Fernandez ESP
  7. Minato Oike JPN
  8. Wibke Vogel GER
  9. Paula Valentina Bustos COL
  10. Maëlys Turini FRA
  11. Constanza Vasquez ESP

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