Home Bike Checks Kate Bordenave Bike Check

Kate Bordenave Bike Check

We got together recently with San Diego’s Kate Bordenave for an impromptu bike check. Check out the details below. Yeah Dawg!

Name: Kate Bordenave
What is your height? 5’5
Left or Right Foot Forward? Left
Which way do you spin? Left

Frame: Terrible One Ruben Frame in the Nina Sea Blue Green Colorway 20.75″
Fork: Odyssey R32
Handlebar: Odyssey Aaron Ross Boss Bars 9.25″
Bar Pads: Odyssey Nightwolf Billiard Green
Stem: S&M Credence Turtleneck
Headset: Odyssey Conical Integrated Headset
Grips: S&M Hoder
Brakes: Odyssey Evo 2.5
Lever: Odyssey Evo brake lever
Gyro or Cable: Cable, Odyssey, Quik Slic
Seat: Demolition Matt Cordova
Seat Post: Demolition, idk what model
Cranks: Fly Dolmen 155mm Cranks
Sprocket: Primo Griffin 25t
Chain: Shadow Interlock Chain
Pedals: Odyssey Twisted PC
Pegs: Odyssey Graduate
Front Tire: Odyssey Dugan
Front Rim: G-sport Birdcage
Front Hub: Profile Mini Cateye
Back Tire: Odyssey Dugan
Back Rim: Normally Gsport Birdcage, in the video Odyssey Hazardlite
Back Hub: Normally Profile Mini Cateye, in the video Profile Mini