Name: Varvara Veremeichuk
Socials: @varvara.veremeichuk
Current Age: 15
Hometown: Murmansk, Russia
Sponsors: Skeleton Bike Shop, Traffa
How did you get into BMX? In 2018, I came across a video of a blogger. In it, he rode around the city on a BMX and performed various tricks. After watching him, I wanted to ride too. Soon after, I bought my first bike.
What languages do you speak? My native language is Russian. But when I was younger, I often went to the village to see my grandmother in Ukraine. Therefore, I understand the Ukrainian language quite well. I also study English at school and try to pay attention to it in my free time.
Your top three parks? I don’t really have any favorite places to ride. For me, it is much more important to ride with people who are passionate about BMX and want to do it. But I still want to highlight a park in the city of Vsevolozhsk. The skatepark is located in the park “Peschanka”. This spot has allowed me to learn a lot of tricks.
Top three songs on your playlist? It is quite difficult for me to answer this question. I don’t have any exact preferences in music. Especially when it comes to riding. I ride in silence, and the music in the rest of my free time is chosen randomly.
Three people who inspire you and why? I am very much inspired by Garrett Reynolds, Linda Grabner and Felix Prangerberg. They are amazing people, their riding surprises me very much.
What is a trend in BMX you want to stop seeing? It seems to me that BMX riders do not need to associate themselves with one specific style of riding. It’s very cool to be able to ride everywhere. I think that a variety of riding gives more control and progress than a constant focus on one discipline.

What do you do when you’re not riding? Most often, I have long breaks in skating only because of injuries, so I usually focus on BMX. But in my free time I study at school, snowboard and read books.
Favourite person to ride or train with? There are very few BMX riders in my hometown, so most often I ride with one person. He is my good friend and coach. Without him, it would be much more difficult for me to make progress in riding. His name is Boris Palyutin. Many thanks to him for riding together and helping me learn tricks.
Favourite shoes to ride in? For a long time I rode exclusively in Vans sneakers. Their shoes are very comfortable and comfortable for me. But this season I discovered the brand Traffa. This brand appeared not so long ago, but it is developing very quickly and replenishes its range with new sneakers, which are getting better and better with each new model.

Best advice given to you? Probably the best advice in my life is from my mother. It sounds like this “Do what you have to do and come what may.” In any difficult situation, my mother always says this phrase and its helped me solve my problems.
Your biggest fear? I’m afraid that the day will come when, due to my health or some other reason, I won’t be able to just take a bike and go learn new tricks.
Your proudest accomplishment? I consider my main achievements to be progress in BMX, as well as the opportunity to devote as much time to it as I want.
Your worst habit? It annoys me that I don’t know how to organize my time, and I also don’t care about my nutrition.
If you could hire someone to help you in some aspect of your life, what would it be? I should start spending more time improving my health and physical condition. I would hire a sports coach.
What is a memorable experience you had that couldn’t have happened without BMX? Thanks to BMX, I’ve met various interesting people. Many of them inspire me a lot. BMX also makes me travel and overcome my fears.
Your top three future goals you want to achieve? I really want to come to the most technical and beautiful riding. Try to make myself known on the BMX world stage. I also want to become a versatile person and get a good education.