Name: Holly Pipe
Socials: Instagram @holly_pipe__
Current Age: 19
Hometown: Bedwas, South Wales
Sponsors: Flair4medialtd, British Cycling

How did you get into BMX? I started off riding scooters at a young age and continued for many years, then about a year ago my local skatepark/workplace hosted a Backyard Jam National Series Competition. My boss managed to persuade me to enter, I had 2 – 3 weeks to get used to a BMX and somehow managed to learn to T-bog, tire grab and ET. I must have impressed a few people at that competition as I managed to get invited as a British Cycling guest rider for the next event, I’m pretty sure that was where I started to fall in love with BMX just like I did on my scooter. I loved how it was and still is a new challenge and the atmosphere at the competitions was amazing.
What languages do you speak? I speak English and Welsh.
Your top three parks? My top three skateparks would be RampWorld Cardiff, Adrenaline Alley and Asylum Skatepark.
Top three songs on your playlist? My top three songs would be Black Skinhead by Kanye West, POWER by Kanye West and Business by Eminem.
Three people who inspire you and why? My top 3 inspirations would be …
- Ryan Williams, he’s been my inspiration since I was young because his ability on anything he touches is unreal, I really aspire to be like that.
- Charlotte Worthington, as she’s come from the same scootering background as I have, she inspires me to believe that I can reach that level of BMX!
- Lastly, I’d have to say that my fiancé is one of my biggest inspirations, she supports me unconditionally and always pushes me to be the best I can… without her, I’d be nothing 🙂

What is a trend in BMX you want to stop seeing? I’m not too sure if this is considered a trend, but I feel like most sports especially BMX, are considered to be a “men’s” sport. I would love for people to be more accepting of females in these types of sports and to see more women and girls take part! We females have come a long way in the past years, personally, we still have a long fight ahead of us.
What do you do when you’re not riding? When I’m not riding I quite enjoy going to the gym as well as going on drives to new places.
Favourite person to ride or train with? Honestly, my favourite person to ride with is my coach, he helps me and supports me a lot to learn new things.

Favourite shoes to ride in? I love to ride in Vans, they’re super comfy and I like how the sole is thick yet you can still feel the pedals.
Best advice given to you? One of the best bits of advice has come from my fiancé. Before a competition when I get super nervous she tells me that I’m going to be okay and to just have fun because when you have fun you don’t realize that you ride your best!
Your biggest fear? My biggest fear is snakes … I hate snakes.
Your proudest accomplishment? At the moment my proudest accomplishment is being chosen to represent Team GB in this year’s European Champions in Krakow.
Your worst habit? My worst habit has to be not committing to tricks when I could do them easily!!
If you could hire someone to help you in some aspect of your life, what would it be? I think I’d definitely hire someone to help me with my time management, I’m terrible at trying to fit everything in!
What is a memorable experience you had that couldn’t have happened without BMX? My most memorable experience has to be being able to compete at FISE Montpellier this year, it was such an amazing experience.
Your top three future goals you want to achieve? My top 3 goals for the future are to get into the top 24 on the UCI rankings list, I’d love to be able to learn how to double backflip and someday compete at the Olympics 🙂