Name: Kaci Halahan
Socials: @halahan_girls
Current Age: 10
Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
Sponsors: Fit Bike Co/Misfit, Profile Racing, S1 Helmets, Vans, The Wheel Mill and Ray’s MTB
How did you get into BMX? Since I was a baby I watched my brothers travel to many different places riding their bikes and having fun. I wanted to do the same. I first followed them with my balance bike and haven’t stopped yet.
What languages do you speak? English

What are your top three parks?
- The Wheel Mill
- Rays MTB
- 9 Acres
Top three songs to get you pumped?
- Dragula by Rob Zombie
- Love Bites by Judas Priest
- Girls Just Wanna Have fun by Cyndi Lauper
Three people who inspire you and why. My 3 brothers, Lukas, Nathan and Shane. Carley Young and Nina Buitrago.
What is a trend in BMX you want to stop seeing? I can’t think of anything I would like to stop seeing. I like everything and everyone in BMX so far.
How do you spend your days off your bike? I love doing gymnastics and ice skating when I can.

Favourite person to ride or train with? Girl trains with Carley and Nina when possible.
Favourite shoes to ride in? Vans Shoes especially my Sk8 Hi’s.
Most inspirational quote? Ride Like a Girl.
Best advice given to you? Tuck your knees when jumping, by Carley.
Your biggest fear? Faceplanting
Your proudest accomplishment? When I cleared my first table at my trails.
Three guilty pleasures? Cookie cakes, shopping and Peach Ice Cream from Bruster’s.
Your worst habit? Wrestling with my brother Shane.
If you could hire someone to help you in some sort of aspect of your life, what would it be? I would love to hire someone to clean my room.
What is an amazing experience you had that couldn’t have happened without BMX? Meeting so many people from around the world. I’ve met people from so many countries like New Zealand, Australia, Columbia, the UK, Japan, and many more. I also wouldn’t have met friends from many different states here in the U.S. without BMX. Like people from Texas and California to Florida and Rhode Island.
Your top three future goals you want to achieve? Ride the Big line in the Profile World at Ray’s MTB, Clear more table tops, and do 180’s.