Name: Queen Saray
Socials: @bmx_queensaray
Age: 19
Hometown: Buga, Colombia
Sponsors: Red Bull
What is your BMX origin story – How did you get into BMX? I was introduced to BMX at a skatepark near my house. One day I went to ride and from there, I liked the BMX
What languages do you speak? Spanish, a bit of English.
Your top three parks:
- Ciudad Paraiso Skatepark in Colombia
- Daniel Dhers Park in North Carolina, USA – I really like those because they are actually the places where I have trained
- The tracks (courses) of all the events are amazing
Top three songs to get you pumped? I don’t know, actually I like all the songs that have good sounds and I love techno.

Three people who inspire you and why:
- My sister
- Mariana Pajon
- And many girls who have the power to ride with style and joy. Liz and Mariana motivate me because they are women who are warriors and lovers of what they do
What is a trend in BMX you want to stop seeing? mmmm I love everything about BMX
How do you spend your days off your bike? I’m usually at home, in the gym or maybe with family
Favourite person to ride with? My sister and I love to ride with all the BMX girls, I also like to ride with Nikita (Ducarroz), she is a very good person and she is one of my favorites
Favourite shoes to ride in? I don’t have favorites, but I’ve felt comfortable in Vans and Nike
Best advice given: Once Mariana (Pajon) told me, “The most important thing is that you enjoy this whole beautiful process, without thinking about having to give back to anyone and much less with results. Just keep doing things with your heart and give your everything, that way things will come when they should arrive.” I admire them a lot and continue to have my support.
Your biggest fear? My only fear now is having to give up BMX

Your proudest accomplishment? My proudest accomplishment has been all of it because I have enjoyed it all, but in Peru I won the Pan American Games and it was a great moment.
Three guilty pleasures:
- The only thing would be that I am a lover of ice cream
- Fried foods
- Ice Cream
Your worst habit? I think I do not have, hahaha
If you could hire someone to help you in some sort of aspect of your life, what would it be? Someone who can help me in the mental part for my sport and in life.
Your top three future goals you want to achieve:
- Learn perfect English
- Learn many tricks and learn much more thanks to BMX
- Be happy