Tasha Lindemann’s Camera Setup ?

In every BMX crew, there’s always the photographer, and for today’s interview we’re catching up with Tasha Lindemann. She’s best known behind the lens, recently capturing photos from the Women’s Weekend in the Woods in Pennsylvania. In this short interview we asked her about what she likes about BMX photography, what she looks for when shooting and even what she shoots with.

Mo Malone at Catty Woods

“Photography has always been about art, for me. I try to look at the scene around me and capture how it feels, as well as how it looks. When I was introduced to BMX, I was in awe of the emotions involved; all of the passion, determination, joy and sometimes even anger. I try to use my camera to show others that BMX is so much more than just a bike and tricks. Typically, I shoot BMX and my favorite space is a set of trails, but I’ve been known to pull over for sunsets, the moon, old buildings and even the occasional farm animal, if it strikes me. 

I feel like the equipment you use can be like a set of paintbrushes, and you can customize it based on your own personal style of shooting. Some people love a fish-eye photo and others like to shoot with a long lens, it can really just depend on how you want to capture a moment. I try to see things from a different angle, then maybe others are seeing it and share a unique perspective. Sometimes, at events, I look to see where everyone is watching or shooting from, and walk to the opposite side, because you never know when you might see the perfect shot.”

Current Gear

  • Canon 5d Mark III
  • Tamron 70-200 mm f/2.8
  • Tamron 24-70 mm f/2.8
  • Canon 50 mm f/1.8
  • (3) Flashpoint AD200 with Standard Reflectors
  • Glow 45 Degree Long Focus Reflector
  • Wireless Transmitter
  • Spare Batteries
  • Light Stands

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