One to Watch: Keir Sirlin

If you’re wondering where Women’s BMX is going to be in the next few years, 11-year-old Keir Sirlin should be a solid indication of where it’s heading. One of the raddest female up-and-comers, Keir Sirlin entered the USABMX Freestyle Primer Comp and killed it.

For those who don’t know, just this past October 3rd was the deadline for amateur riders to shoot and edit a regional submission for the USA BMX Freestyle Amature National Champs. This opportunity was open to any rider not ranked as PRO by the UCI and is also an opportunity to be noticed for the 2028 Olympics.

Keir is an example of why USABMX Freestyle started the Primer Series, which USABMXF will follow up with an Amateur National Championships live event (soon to be announced).

Check out Keir @KEIR_SIRLIN , and for more information about USABMX Freestyle, follow @USABMXFREESTYLE or

We’re stoked on USABMX Freestyle, the opportunity it gives to up and coming riders, but especially the equal opportunities in the sport. All prizes are divided equally between females and males!

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