4Seasons Skatepark Needs Help!

4Seasons Skatepark is in danger of closing its doors. They need help to get them through this tough time. Jeff Klugiewicz has set a fundraiser for the park.

Link to the fundraiser: https://www.gofundme.com/f/4seasons-skatepark-fund

Covid19 has caused 4Seasons to shut its doors. And wouldn’t we all love to have a park to go to once we get past this period that is effecting each and everyone of our lives so much. Nothing can be more normal than going back to doing the things we love doing…
For us thats skating, riding, and pushing ourselves to learn and grow inside the walls of 4seasons. But this might not happen if we don’t come together and support the place that has supported and been a second home to so many of us! Please take the time to donate anything you can and share this with anyone who can help the cause!
Lets get through this and end up on the other side with a place that has brought all of us together over the past 20 years!

-Jeff Klugiewicz

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