Support Martina Timis

Martina Timis recently suffered a serious accident on the track, which is now impacting her mobility. We have no doubt that this tough individual will be able to fight through this, and from her most recent post, it looks like her spirits are high! To help Martina, donations are being accepted through Our support goes out to Martina, you got this!

Quiero dar mil gracias a todas las personas por todo el apoyo que me han brindado,la verdad estoy muy sorprendida por toda la cantidad de mensajes y saludos de aliento que he recibido,nunca había vivido algo así pero todo pasa por algo, yo ahora estoy mucho mejor voy teniendo avances día a día como la de poder mover mis brazos, mis manos y de a poco voy sintiendo mis pies, hoy se ha cumplido una semana desde mi accidente y ya quiero estar sobre mi bicicleta,primero estaré en silla de ruedas luego con muletas después ya podré caminar sola y finalmente haciendo lo que más me gusta pedalear… estoy tan agradecida de todos, del gobierno de Santiago del estero que se ha portado de una manera impresionante conmigo y de mi familia y entrenador que ya es parte de ella que han sido un pilar fundamental en este momento.gracias totales y nos vemos pronto ?❤️?
A post shared by Martina Timis (@marti_timis) on

Translation: “I want to thank all the people for all the support they have given me, the truth is I am very surprised by all the amount of messages and greetings of encouragement that I have received, I had never lived something like that but everything happens for something, I am now much better I am having advances day by day like being able to move my arms, my hands and little by little I feel my feet, today a week has elapsed since my accident and I already want to be on my bike, first I will be in a wheelchair, then with crutches later I can walk alone and finally doing what I like to pedal … I am so grateful to everyone, the government of Santiago del Estero that has behaved in an impressive way with me and my family and coach who is already part of it that has been a fundamental pillar at this time. total thanks and see you soon”


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