Road to Rio : Fitspiration

Check out these latest updates from the best racers it the world, they’re getting for the Rio Olympics this summer, even the injured ones!

Being creative with the return to training! I’d like to thank my flat mate for tying up my hair, my coach for tying my shoe laces and my determination/stubbornness for trying to do as much as I can with one arm ? ‪#‎RoadtoRio‬ ‪#‎BeTheInspiration‬ – Sarah Walker

Sarah Walker (New Zealand) recently had to spend a few days in the hospital after getting surgery on her wrist and upper arm. She’s currently recovering from a double fracture from a fall during her last training session.

You can read more about on how it happened on the official New Zealand Olympic website. We’re glad she’s back on the bike though!

“It takes a lot of strength, but more of heart that of muscles!
Dream on, believe it, luchalo, enjoy it and make it easy ?
? @Rubenfilmss” Mariana Pajon

Looks like everything is on track with Mariana Pajon (Columbia), who also just picked up a brand new sponsor through VISA. What’s in your wallet… oh wait that’s the wrong card company, I mean “Everywhere you want to be”, and I definitely want to be in Rio this summer!

A video posted by Corey Walsh (@walshcorey) on

Amelia Walsh (Canada) is training hard too, check out this footage of her cruising in Chula. She’s been killing it lately!

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