MiB Awards Public Vote Results – Finalists

Thanks to your votes, we are now one of the top 10 finalist under Sports for the MIB Awards. Now it’s up to the judges to decide who the winner is. But to be honest, it feels like we’ve already won. Thanks everyone!

To see the other finalist, check out this page. http://www.mibawards.ca/en/2014/sport/

What are the MiB awards?
This contest aim is to showcase the best Canadian blogs of the year in every predefined category. The MiB Awards also provide a unique opportunity to create an event surrounding the Canadian blogosphere and to thank all its participants.

The Jury’s vote:
The jury will have the responsibility to designate each winner per category. The jury’s decision will be based on specific criteria and a rigorous process: aesthetics, ergonomics, usability, functionality, interactivity, the presence of information about the author, the originality of the content, the clarity of the writing, the article’s relevancy, the transparency and authenticity, spelling, grammar, aesthetics of the blog-posts, form, engagement, audience and influence of the blog.

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