Home Flatland Flatland Rider Nisa

Flatland Rider Nisa

I’m Nisa from Thailand.  I’m a new flatland rider.  I just start to ride flatland almost one month and I’m trying to practice the basic tricks.
I ride flatland because it’s a beautiful sport and I fell in love with it so deeply.  I feel so free every time I hold the handlebars.
I can forget the entire problem that I’ve got for a day.  At first, I think this sport belongs to a boy but it’s not true.  I saw many girl flatland riders on the internet last month.  They make me know that girl cay play this sport too!
After that, I decide to ride flatland and got many help from my flatland friends.  So in my country there is a few girls that ride flatland.
I just want to be one of them to join this sport!  I hope that one day I can meet girl flatland riders all around the world. – Massive thanks to Rebecca who inspired me a lot! –
– Nisa